- Author -
Breathers: A Zombie's Lament
by S.G. Browne
Breathers is an older book, dating back to 2009, but it was SUPER fun. Totally different from the standard zompoc fare, this is a perfect read for anybody who likes to throw in some weirder, funny, quirky zombie fiction like Shaun of the Dead, Fido, Warm Bodies into their apocalyptic mix.
Breathers is a super oddball story set from the POV of a zombie as he struggles to find his place in the world despite all of his new limitations, both physical and social. It's a really unique story with countless laugh out louds moments, lots of heart, and still wielding enough cannibalistic gore to keep you satisfied. I really, really wish this book were made into a movie or TV series. Anyway, for those of you who like a splash of parody in your reading, it's totally worth checking out.
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